Saturday, November 19, 2011

Home Study Update

Yesterday Joe and I had our first Home Study meeting. I was very nervous because I knew the social worker would ask very personal questions about our families and how we were raised. Luckily it wasn’t as bad as I expected. Our social worker is very nice and easy to talk to. She also assured us that nothing she heard would keep us from adopting (Yay!). Yesterday we found out that we are second in line to be put in the pool of families birth mothers have to choose from. That means there is only one family between us and officially being on the waiting list to be matched! We still have two more meetings to get through before our Home Study is complete. On 12/2 we take our second trip to Madison. Then, on 12/9 the social worker will come to our house to make sure we can provide a safe environment for a child. Hopefully both those meetings go just as well as the first.

All of the paperwork for the Home Study has been submitted. However, we need to get our fingerprints retaken. Our first batch was rejected by the state’s background check system. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the second time will be the charm. Our parent profile has also been completed, printed, and shipped to the agency. We are also almost done with our adoption education! It has been a very busy month to say the least. Hopefully our hard work will pay off and we will be in the pool of waiting families sometime in January.

Joe and I have also started thinking about readying the baby’s room. I think we are going to start by carpeting and painting the room we plan to use for the nursery. After that’s done we will be able to focus on the more fun aspects of preparing for the new little one. For me, preparing for the baby is what will keep me from going insane during our wait. It’s a lot of fun to look for ideas online. Since we don’t know the sex of the baby we will be matched with, the nursery will be decorated to work for either.

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