As you can imagine, we were disappointed to hear this news. In an attempt to keep my mind off of it I’ve started trying to network. I’ve been told by other adoptive families that most matches occur because of interpersonal connections (someone’s cousin’s roommate’s younger sister is looking to make an adoption plan for their child). I honestly have no idea what I’m doing. However, I thought I’d give it a shot!
We are using two main tools to network;
I am truly overwhelmed with all of the support we've received through our facebook page (we currently have 70 ‘likes’). So many people have been more than willing to share our page on their profile. They have also given us a lot of encouraging words and well wishes. It is wonderful to know we have so much support! Adoption can be a rough road and I know there will be times that we'll need to draw on that support to help us stay calm and composed.