Saturday, June 2, 2012

Pass Them On!

A few weeks ago we decided to order adoption pass along cards from We hope to use these cards to get our names out there and let people know that we are hoping to adopt.

For those of you that aren’t familiar with adoption pass along cards, they are typically used as a valuable networking tool.  The idea is to get as many of these business cards out there as possible in hopes that they’ll land in the hands of someone who is thinking of placing their child for adoption.

We’ve heard numerous success stories from other adoptive couples who used pass along cards. Often their child’s birthmother found them through a family friend, a former neighbor, a co-worker, etc. The point is that you just never know what will happen when you pass out one of these cards. If you’d like to help us become a family of three, please keep a few of our cards in your purse or wallet and look for opportunities to give them out

If you interested in passing these cards along to your friends/family/colleagues, please e-mail me at Be sure to include your mailing address and the number of cards you’d like.

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