Tuesday, October 2, 2012

So Close to Being a Mom…

I’m sorry that it has been so long since our last adoption update. It has been a crazy last couple of months.

In early August Joe and I were finally matched. The expectant mother lives in Maine and was due in October with a baby boy. We spent the next few months finishing up the nursery, making travel arrangements, and buying all the necessary items to care for a newborn. We were stressed, nervous, and excited all at the same time! It was hard to believe that our dream of becoming parents was coming true.

About two weeks ago we found out that the baby would be born via C-section on the morning of October 2nd. We had planned to leave for Maine on September 29th. On Friday, one day before we were due to leave, we received a phone call that would once again turn our world upside down.

The expectant mother had changed her mind. It is unclear what happened but she is now insisting that we are not the couple she had chosen to raise her child. At this moment we are not sure if she will choose another adoptive couple or parent the baby herself. Regardless of what she decides, we truly wish the best for both mom and baby.

We are understandably heartbroken. However, we are trying to remain hopeful. We know that our little one will find us one day.


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