Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Domestic vs International (by Joe)

Thanks for the question! At this time we are not looking at foreign adoption. In general, international adoptions can take 2-5 years. Also, many countries have very strict rules (age, marriage length requirements, no mental health or disabilities, having to stay in the country for 6+ weeks while everything is sorted out). While the odds of a failed adoption are very low with foreign adoptions, if the adoption fails you're out all of the money you put in. One of the families in our adoption circle lost $40,000 when Russia closed international adoptions for US families, and if we took that risk and failed our only chance at that point (it'd be a very small chance) would be an independent adoption and we've had zero luck on that avenue thus far. 

Another thing with foreign adoptions is that the children are usually around 2-3 years old. While our home study allows us to adopt children up to age 5, we're hoping for a newborn.

Hopefully that answers the question. If anybody else has anything they're wondering, please let us know!

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